Topics for July include:

  • What’s Your Parenting Purpose?
    • In observance of Purposeful Parenting Month, we share key practices to help you focus on being intentional and thoughtful in interactions with your child.
  • Safely Celebrating 4th of July
    • Tips to keep you and your family safe this Independence Day.

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Skyline CAP receives grant for Healthy Families Program

May 10, 2024 – The Community Awareness of Rappahannock Electric Charity, Inc. (CARE) Board has selected Skyline CAP to receive a grant from The Power of Change (TPOC) fund in the amount of $3,500. The funding is designated to Skyline CAP’s Healthy Families SAFE (Safety Advances Family Empowerment) program which will receive a $2,000 agency match in funding. TPOC funding is made possible through the generosity of the Rappahannock Electric Cooperative (REC) member-owners who round-up their electric bills to the nearest dollar with the difference contributed to the fund to go toward grants to nonprofit charities within REC’s service area.

The Healthy Families program is designed to help families navigate the challenges of parenting and equip them with the tools and resources they need to create strong, lifelong relationships with their children. A key component of the program is observation of home environments, and child safety plays a significant role in the process. Observations during home visits often reveal that parents lack both the knowledge and resources to keep their children safe in the home. These observations, coupled with information gathered from the community, sparked the idea for SAFE which was launched in 2022. To date, the program has served 51 families, providing a preemptive measure to ensure the safety of their babies and children.