
Head Start helps prepare children for kindergarten by helping them develop cognitively, socially, emotionally, and physically in a positive learning environment. Our program is geared toward giving both the child and family a “head start” by focusing on individual needs to build self-sufficiency.

Healthy Families is a voluntary home visit program that focuses on enhancing child welfare, health and development. The program equips families with tools and resources to help them create strong, lifelong relationships with their children.

Skyline’s Project Discovery program provides educational outreach to students in Madison and Orange County public schools and focuses on helping students overcome issues that might otherwise prevent them from graduating from high school. In addition, students are provided with resources and opportunities to explore options for life after high school.

Safe, affordable housing for families is a main focus for Skyline’s housing programs and services, which are offered in Greene, Madison and Orange counties. Our programs include the housing choice voucher program, emergency home repairs for the elderly and disabled, affordable rental housing and counseling.